Dr. Punwani's books
Ten Promises
Intentions That Shape Committed Parenting.

The premise that the Parent-Child relationship should begin with these promises made by the Parent to the child is intended to help that relationship start on more solid footing. It gives permission to parents not to strive for perfect parenting, but to work for honest, self-reflective, consistent, non- punitive, and kind parenting.
This book has been written with tremendous respect for parents, appreciation for their dedication, and love for their children. I hope you as parents will be kind to yourselves, practice self-care, ask for support and guidance, practice positive parenting skills, and seek whatever mental health and medical resources are available. I hope you can use humor to laugh at yourself or your situation; provide structure and acceptance for your family; collaborate with each other and with your children, respecting and honouring them for who they are.
I hope this book creates a framework for starting and staying through the journey of parenting, with insights and knowledge to help you hold through the good times and the tough times alike, whether you’re working with your partner or alone.
Top New Release
Patriarchs, Protectors, and Pioneers
Unearthing Lessons for Fathers On Nurturing Confident, Courageous, and Compassionate Daughters

A daughter’s first hero. Her unwavering protector. The one who shapes her confidence, her courage, and her capacity to love. Fatherhood is not merely a role; it’s an extraordinary responsibility that echoes through generations. In Patriarchs, Protectors, and Pioneers, Dr. Manisha Punwani unearths powerful lessons from history, mythology, literature, and cinema to reveal the profound influence fathers have on their daughters’ lives—and how daughters profoundly impact their fathers as well.
Through riveting real-life examples and timeless stories, this book explores how engaged, supportive fathers can nurture strong, self-assured, and compassionate daughters—women who grow up believing in themselves, setting boundaries, and forging their own paths in life. From historical icons to literary figures, mythical legends, and pop culture heroes, Patriarchs, Protectors, and Pioneers offers an insightful and inspiring perspective on what it means to be a truly present and intentional father.
This book is a heartfelt tribute to the men who rise above societal expectations to embrace the power of fatherhood. It examines the sacrifices, the wisdom, and the courage required to be the unwavering foundation in a daughter’s life. Fathers are more than providers—they are mentors, protectors, and role models who shape the confidence, courage, and emotional strength of their daughters.
Through captivating stories drawn from history, literature, mythology, and film, Dr. Manisha Punwani, an Adult, Adolescent and Pediatric Psychiatrist, crafts a deeply psychological and insightful guidefor fathers who aspire to raise daughters who are resilient, empowered, and fearless. Whether you are a father, a mentor, or simply someone who believes in the transformative power of father-daughter relationships, this book is your essential companion. Discover how to lead with love, instill self-worth, and inspire the next generation of strong, independent women.