Children and Adolescents go through stages of developmental, physical, emotional and cognitive changes as they grow. When they experience overwhelming emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger and grief, they have to rely on their own limited skills. Often struggles with Anxiety, depression, Autism, Developmental disorders, and ADHD are apparent in when it starts to spill into their school work, family interactions, changes in their personality and in their social interactions.


Partnering with families, schools and other systems of care is my core philosophy. Understanding the culture, the family, history of each parent, the developmental and academic histories, parenting styles, the biological, psychological, temperamental and social influences on the child or adolescent is a critical part of my assessment. Viewing this information through integrative and evidence based lenses allows me to reach an accurate diagnosis and develop an integrated formulation. Based on this, a treatment plan is developed and followed. Educating parents and caregivers, developing a partnership with them and being available, is a philosophy I am committed to.


My area of clinical expertise is in the treatment of Anxiety disorders, Obsessive Compulsive disorders and Autism spectrum disorders in children, adolescents and young adults. My training and experience is in treating all psychiatric conditions in Children, Adolescents and Adults. In addition I have been trained and had successful results, in practicing Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Exposure Response Prevention and psychopharmacology for treatment of Anxiety and OCD and co-morbid disorders. I believe, a clinician’s commitment and compassion are essential skills in patient care. The family’s ability to maintain compliance and motivation to participate in treatment along with the child and adolescent’s insight, resilience and cognitive skills are important contributors to the success of treatment. Using strength based approaches and developing a strong alliance contributes to successful treatment planning and is crucial to achieve treatment goals.

photo courtsey Freepik
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